The System Security
Role of the System Security Realization |
Aspects of the System Security
Realization |
ADV_HLD: The High Level (Security)
Design |
ADV_LLD: The Low Level (Security)
Design |
ADV_INT: TSF Internals |
ADV_IMP: The Implementation
Representation |
ADV_RCR: Representation Correspondence |
Techniques for Developing the System
Security Realization |
Role of the System
Security Realization
Describe the TOE Security Functions
(TSF) as Seen From the Inside |
Provide the Basis For Understanding How
the TSF Actually Meet ST Security Function Requirements |
Provide the Information Needed to
Analyze the Correctness of the TSF With Respect to the System Security
Concept Specifications |
Provide the Basis For Developing “White
Box” Tests of the Security Functions |
Points to Remember
System Security Realization Families
Seem to Require Top-Down Development |
NOT SO – they require that the
realization be PRESENTED as a series of refinements |
There are NO requirements that the TOE
be developed in a strict top-down fashion |
System Security Realization Families
Are Specified To Facilitate Evaluation |
Challenge is to develop TOE so that all
required information is captured |
ADV_HLD – High Level
Definition |
Aspects |
Components |
Descriptive HLD |
Security enforcing HLD |
Semiformal HLD |
Semiformal High-level Explanation |
Formal HLD |
The High Level Design of a TOE provides
a description of the TSF in terms of major structural units (i.e.,
subsystems) and relates these units to the functions that they provide |
Provides support for argument that TOE
architecture is appropriate for implementing the TOE security functional
requirements |
Aspects of the Family
Define and describe “subsystems” |
Describe security functions provided by
each subsystem |
Describe if and how each subsystem
depends on the presences of security functions in the external IT environment |
Describe interactions between
subsystems |
Externally visible subsystem interfaces |
Relatively small number of parts |
Structuring concept that doesn’t HAVE
to be reflected in lower level decompositions |
Presentation must use something
“like”subsystems |
e.g., layers, domains, servers, etc |
Subsystem Security
Operations that each subsystem performs
as part of TOE security function realization |
Relationship between subsystems and
security functions may be many-to-many |
One subsystem may wholly realize many
security functions |
Aspects of one security function may be
realized through the cooperation of many subsystems |
“TSP-enforcing subsystem” directly or
indirectly contibutes to TSP enforcement |
External IT Environment
Identify the security functions or
protection mechanisms that the TSF requires be present in underlying |
hardware |
firmware |
software |
Interactions Between
Identify all interfaces to each
subsystem |
Callable functions |
Shared data structures |
Major data flows effected through the
interfaces |
Externally Visible
Subsystem Interfaces
Identify the subset of the interfaces
to a subsystem that are directly exposed as external interfaces described in
the functional specification |
Descriptive HLD
High-level design shall |
be informal. |
be internally consistent. |
describe the structure of the TSF in
terms of subsystems. |
describe the security functionality
provided by each subsystem of the TSF. |
identify any underlying hardware,
firmware, and/or software required by the TSF with a presentation of the
functions provided by the supporting protection mechanisms implemented in
that hardware, firmware, or software. |
identify all interfaces to the
subsystems of the TSF. |
identify which of the interfaces to the
subsystems of the TSF are externally visible. |
Security enforcing HLD
Same as Descriptive HLD plus |
describe the purpose and method of use
of all interfaces to the subsystems of the TSF, providing details of effects,
exceptions and error messages, as appropriate. |
describe the separation of the TOE into
TSP-enforcing and other subsystems. |
Semiformal HLD
Same as security enforcing, plus |
The presentation of the high-level
design shall be semiformal. |
The high-level design shall describe
the purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the subsystems of the TSF,
providing complete details of all effects, exceptions and error messages. |
Semiformal High-level
Same as semiformal HLD, plus |
The high-level design shall justify
that the identified means of achieving separation, including any protection
mechanisms, are sufficient to ensure a clear and effective separation of
TSP-enforcing from non-TSP-enforcing functions. |
The high-level design shall justify
that the TSF mechanisms are sufficient to implement the security functions
identified in the high-level design. |
Formal HLD
Same as Semiformal High-level
Explanation,, except that |
The presentation of the high-level
design shall be formal. |
ADV_LLD – Low Level
Definition |
Aspects |
Components |
Descriptive Low Level Design |
Semiformal Low Level Design |
Formal Low Level Design |
“A … description of the internal
workings of the TSF in terms of modules and their interrelationships and
dependencies.” |
The role of the low level design in
Common Criteria is to increase confidence the TSF subsystems are correctly
and effectively refined. |
Aspects of the Family
TSF Modules |
Module Interrelationships |
Module Interfaces & Behavior |
Externally Visible Interfaces |
TSP-Enforcing Functions |
TSF Modules
Unit Of Implementation, e.g., |
SW: source files, packages, modules,
objects |
HW: ASICs, VHDL specs, CPUs |
TSP-Enforcing Modules |
“…any module that must be relied upon
for correct enforcement of the TSP.” |
“The LLD shall describe the separation
of the TOE into TSP-enforcing and other modules.” |
Module Interrelationships
Security Functionality Provided |
“…set of operations that a module
performs in contribution to security functions implemented by the TOE.” |
Modules don’t necessarily have to
relate to specific security functions |
Many-to-many relationship between
security functions and modules |
Internal Consistency –Only Defined
Interfaces Are Used For Inter-Module Interactions |
Dependencies On Other Modules |
Security Functions from other modules
that a module uses to provide its security functions |
Module Interfaces &
Purpose |
How module fits into HLD |
Function |
The set of operations performed by the
module |
Interface(s) |
Purpose: Operations to which access is
provided |
Method-of-use: Syntax for calling on
the module operations |
Effects: results of “standard”
processing |
Exceptions: results of “non-standard”
processing |
Error Messages: for faults and failure |
Externally Visible
Module Interfaces That Are Exposed As
Functional Specification Interfaces |
TSP-Enforcing Functions
“The low-level design shall describe
how each TSP-enforcing function is provided.” |
Describe the approach being used to
implement a module’s security functionality |
Experience shows that this description
should also document other implementation approaches that were considered and
the reasons they were not chosen |
Descriptive Low Level
The low-level design shall |
be presented informally. |
be internally consistent. |
describe the TSF in terms of modules. |
describe the purpose of each module. |
define the interrelationships between
the modules in terms of provided security functionality and dependencies on
other modules. |
describe how each TSP-enforcing
function is provided. |
identify all interfaces to the modules
of the TSF. |
identify which of the interfaces to the
modules of the TSF are externally visible. |
describe the purpose and method of use
of all interfaces to the modules of the TSF, providing details of effects,
exceptions and error messages, as appropriate. |
describe the separation of the TOE into
TSP-enforcing and other modules. |
Semiformal Low Level
The presentation of the low-level
design shall be semiformal. |
The low-level design shall describe the
purpose and method of use of all interfaces to the modules of the TSF,
providing complete details of all effects, exceptions and error messages. |
Formal Low Level Design
The presentation of the low-level
design shall be formal. |
ADV_INT – TSF Internals
Definition |
Aspects |
Components |
Modularity |
Reduction of Complexity |
Minimization of Complexity |
(Design patterns for) the internal
structure of the TSF (that) result in a TSF that is simple enough to be
analyzed. |
Aspects of the Family
Modularity |
Layering |
Complexity Minimization |
Functionality Minimization |
Modular Design Reduces: |
Interdependence between elements of TSF |
Risk that change or error in one
element will affect another element |
Modular Design Provides Basis For: |
Determining scope of interaction
between TSF elements |
Assuring that unexpected effects don’t
occur |
Designing and evaluating test suites |
“The use of layering and of simpler
designs for the TSP-enforcing functionality reduces the complexity of the
TSF.” |
Resulting In: |
Better understanding of the TSF |
More assurance that the TOE security
functional requirements are accurately and completely instantiated in the
implementation. |
Complexity Minimization
Increases assurance (confidence) that
code is understood |
Based on premise that if the code in
the TSF is less complex, it is more likely that the design of the TSF is
comprehensible. |
“Design complexity minimization is a
key characteristic of a reference validation mechanism.” |
Goal is to minimize the amount of
functionality in the TSF that doesn’t enforce the TSP, thus: |
reducing the possibility of flaws in
the TSF, and |
with modularity and layering, allowing
the evaluator to focus only on that functionality which is necessary for TSP
enforcement |
Also allows cleaner mapping from
security policy model to implementation |
The developer shall design and
structure the TSF in a modular fashion that avoids unnecessary interactions
between the modules of the design. |
The developer shall provide an
architectural description. |
The architectural description shall
identify the modules of the TSF. |
The architectural description shall
describe the purpose, interface, parameters, and effects of each module of
the TSF. |
The architectural description shall
describe how the TSF design provides for largely independent modules that
avoid unnecessary interactions. |
Reduction of Complexity
The developer shall design and
structure the TSF in a layered fashion that minimizes mutual interactions
between the layers of the design. |
The developer shall design and
structure the TSF in such a way that minimizes the complexity of the portions
of the TSF that enforce any access control and/or information flow control
policies. |
The architectural description shall
identify the modules of the TSF and shall specify which portions of the TSF
enforce the access control and/or information flow control policies. |
The architectural description shall
describe the layering architecture. |
The architectural description shall
show that mutual interactions have been minimized, and justify those that
remain. |
The architectural description shall
describe how the portions of the TSF that enforce any access control and/or
information flow control policies have been structured to minimize
complexity. |
Minimization of
The developer shall design and
structure the TSF in such a way that minimizes the complexity of the entire
TSF. |
The developer shall design and
structure the portions of the TSF that enforce any access control and/or
information flow control policies such that they are simple enough to be
analyzed. |
The developer shall ensure that
functions whose objectives are not relevant for the TSF are excluded from the
TSF modules. |
The architectural description shall
describe how the entire TSF has been structured to minimize complexity. |
The architectural description shall
justify the inclusion of any non-TSP-enforcing modules in the TSF. |
ADV_IMP – Implementation
Definition |
Aspects |
Components |
Subset of TSF Implementation |
TSF Implementation |
Structured TSF Implementation |
Least abstract representation of the
The representation that is used without
further refinement to create (or generate) the TSF |
Software source code |
Hardware drawings |
Aspects of the Family
Implementation Representation |
Implementation Structuring |
Internal Consistency |
Must be provided |
Possibly for only a subset of the TSF |
Must “unambiguously define TSF to level
of detail such that the TSF can be generated without further design
decisions” |
Describe the relationships between
portions of implementation |
Language or coding style should ensure
that Implementation Representation is structured into small and
comprehensible sections |
Internal Consistency
All portions of the Implementation
Representation |
Conform to the rules of the
representation format (programming language or drafting guidelines) |
Match with each other |
Function calls match function
definition |
Circuit traces have source and sink |
Cross-checked by successful compilation
or fabrication |
Subset of TSF
“Developer shall provide implementation
representation for a selected subset of the TSF” |
Negotiated between developer and
evaluator |
“The implementation representation
shall unambiguously define the TSF to a level of detail such that the TSF can
be generated without further design decisions.” |
“The implementation representation
shall be internally consistent” |
TSF Implementation
“…provide implementation representation
for the entire TSF.” |
“…implementation representation shall
describe the relationships between all portions of the implementation.” |
Structured TSF
“implementation representation shall be
structured into small and comprehensible sections.” |
ADV_RCR – Representation
Definition |
Aspects |
Components |
Informal Correspondence Demonstration |
Semiformal Correspondence Demonstration |
Formal Correspondence Demonstration |
Demonstration that, for all adjacent
abstractions of representation, the less abstract representation correctly
refines the more abstract representation |
Goal is to attain confidence that the
least abstract representation of the TSF is a complete and correct
realization of the ST security functional requirements |
Aspects of the Family
Pair-wise Correspondence |
All Relevant Security Functionality |
Exclusion of TSP or TSP Model |
Pair-wise Correspondence
Adjacent Representations |
TOE Summary Spec to Functional Spec |
Functional Spec to High Level Design |
High Level Design to Low Level Design |
Low Level Design to Implementation
Representation |
Demonstration of Correspondence Should
Be As Formal As Possible, Limited Only By the Formality Of The
Representations |
All Relevant Security
Between TSS and FSP |
Only TOE security functions: assurance
measures not required |
Between LLD and Implementation |
For subset implementation of TSF,
required refinements limited to security functionality in the subset |
For all other cases, all parts of more
abstract TSF representation must be refined into less abstract TSF
representation |
Exclusion of TSP or TSP
Correspondence demonstrations related
to TSP or TSP Model are explicitly addressed in other families or components
and not repeated in ADV_RCR. |
Informal Correspondence
The developer shall provide an analysis
of correspondence between all adjacent pairs of TSF representations that are
provided. |
For each adjacent pair of provided TSF
representations, the analysis shall demonstrate that all relevant security
functionality of the more abstract TSF representation is correctly and
completely refined in the less abstract TSF representation. |
Semiformal Correspondence
For each adjacent pair of provided TSF
representations, where portions of both representations are at least
semiformally specified, the demonstration of correspondence between those
portions of the representations shall be semiformal. |
Formal Correspondence
For those corresponding portions of
representations that are formally specified, the developer shall prove that
correspondence. |
For each adjacent pair of provided TSF
representations, where portions of one representation are semiformally
specified and the other at least semiformally specified, the demonstration of
correspondence between those portions of the representations shall be
semiformal. |
For each adjacent pair of provided TSF
representations, where portions of both representations are formally
specified, the proof of correspondence between those portions of the
representations shall be formal. |
Stepwise Refinement |
Reverse Engineering |
Interviews |
Hybrids |
Stepwise Refinement
Also Called Top-Down Development |
Goal Is To Develop System As A Series
of Progressively Less Abstract Representations – With Source Code As the
Least Abstract Representation |
Implicitly Assumed Approach In CC |
Stepwise Refinement (2)
Great In Theory, BUT… |
Few people are able to establish and
maintain separation among abstract representations |
Most project managers are too impatient
to tolerate a design process that doesn’t result in immediate production of
executable code |
“The devil is in the details…” |
Creating a less abstract representation
almost always forces changes to the more abstract representation |
The notation used for each abstract
representation can introduce arbitrary restrictions and dependencies that
aren’t strictly part of the refinement process |
Reverse Engineering
Also Called Bottom-Up Development |
Develops a Least Abstract
Representation From a Rough Notion Of Requirements |
More Abstract Representations Are
Developed By Summarizing the Details In Less Abstract Representations |
Reverse Engineering (2)
VERY Common Practice, BUT… |
Labor intensive |
Doesn’t directly result in running code
and is therefore considered “busywork” by those most qualified to do it |
More abstract representations usually
not kept current with the least abstract representation |
Few people are able to establish and
maintain separation among abstract representations |
Worse here, since “out” is to refer to
less (or usually least) abstract representation – “Read the Code!!” |
Natural focus is on what is built
rather than what is needed |
Data Mining On the Developers Or
Maintainers |
Especially Useful When |
HLD is least abstract representation
required |
System is horribly complex legacy code |
Access to source code, and therefore
use of reverse engineering, is hard |
There exist one or more “gurus” who can
answer all, or most, questions about the system after thinking for a short
time |
Interviews (2)
Goal is to Get The Guru’s Internal
Model of The System |
“Drink From Fire Hose” Since Gurus
Usually |
Are in short supply and high demand |
Have a short attention span and low
tolerance for those who don’t understand |
Interviews (3)
“Oracle” Mode |
One guru seems to know everything |
Frame interview as “training” that will
reduce “stupid” questions later on |
“Inner Circle” Mode |
Multiple gurus with interlocking and/or
overlapping expertise in system realization |
Use moderated discussion with easy
whiteboard access |
Use “same answer three times” rule |
In Most Real Systems, A Combination
Of Techniques Is Needed |
Plan How To Reconcile Equivalent
Material Gained From Multiple Techniques |
Stepwise Refinement is Quite Effective
For |
Security Target development |
Security Policy Model development |
Functional Spec and High-Level Design
in new systems development |
Hybrids (2)
Reverse Engineering Is Obviously Most
Useful For |
Implementation Representation |
TSF Internals |
Low Level Design |
FSP and HLD in lower assurance systems |
Interviews Are Most Effective For |
HLD and LLD in any existing system |
FSP, as a starting point in existing
systems |