PCMS Exercise
Do a simple threat analysis
Ask if the results make sense

What is PCMS?
PCMS is a high-integrity configuration management system
Most objects are written once and never modified (we call these “entities”)
Archival store, not a database
What security policies apply to such objects?
What are the threats?
What does this mean in implementation terms?

Items of Interest(?)
Key ideas:
Most info in a CM system is “frozen” (never modified)
Really, only “branches” and “projects” need to be mutable
Name frozen stuff with cryptographic hash
Name modifiable stuff with Swiss numbers
Use crypto for authentication, access control
Exploration of interaction between crypto capabilities and wide-area replication

High-Level Security Objectives
Allow replication across untrusted mirrors, but guarantee corruption detection
Ensure that modifications can only be made by parties with valid crypto keys
Ensure that for every mod there is an audit trail, so if key is compromised we know where to look
Support development groups that span companies and administrative boundaries

PCMS Security Policy (Entities)
Entities should only be disclosed to authenticated connections
Entities should only be disclosed to clients that are authorized to access some project/branch that (indirectly) references them
It should not be feasible to undetectably corrupt an entity
Repository replicates may run on hostile servers.
We assume that there is code actively trying to compromise some of these replicates
We assume that the originating server(s) for a given project are trusted by that project

PCMS Security Policy (Mutables)
Mutable: branch or project
Mutables should only be disclosed to authenticated connections
Mutables should only be disclosed to clients on the appropriate ACL
Every modification to a Mutable
Must be signed by a user key
Must be made at the controlling server for that Mutable
We assume that the controlling server(s) for a given mutable is trusted by that project

PCMS Design Implications
All connections encrypted
SSH or OpenSSL layer handling; undecided
Clients must authenticate via public key
It is assumed that there will be well-known anonymous authenticators
Entities are named by cryptographic hash of their content.
These can only be obtained starting from a project or branch.
Access to project/branch is authenticated based on authentication key
Note client side can test corruption
Untrusted servers are given “public” access, and therefore can replicate only public objects.
Note hybrid security model here!

PCMS Design Surprise
If you can authenticate to server, and you know entity name, you can fetch it
Surprise: no per-entity access controls
In order to know the entity name, either:
You hacked somebody, or
Somebody sent you the name
In either case, you were already in a position to get the content too. Protecting it from you is now futile.

Discussion: Does it Make Sense?
Threat Model
What protection is actually feasible in such a system?
What weaknesses exist in this design?
Can they be resolved without compromising usability?